Buff Beauty

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Stock No. - 1113

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5 to 7-foot shrub or 8 to 10-foot climber    

Z6-11 R Fr ab

The Noisette heritage of this charming rose shows up in both the fragrance and the larger, very double flowers of rich, muted apricot. Dark red new shoots are characteristic of this versatile plant, which can be grown as a low, spreading shrub or as the perfect pillar rose. ‘Buff Beauty’ improves its floral display with each year. If grown as a climber, this rose will reach 8 to 10 feet.

w = white
my = medium yellow
yb = yellow blend
ab = apricot blend
ob = orange blend
op = orange pink
lp = light pink
ly = light yellow
mp = medium pink
dp = deep pink
pb = pink blend
dr = dark red
mr = medium red
rb = red blend
m = mauve
mb = mauve blend
R = Repeat Blooming
O = Spring Blooming
Fr = Fragrant
H = Hip Display