La Vicomtesse

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Stock No. - 2717

Sold out


5 x 4 feet    Z5-11 R Fr H pb

The medium pink, very double-shaped ‘La Vicomtesse' flowers have the old-fashioned shape we all love. This rose is similar to those depicted in this 18th-century painter’s artwork, for whom it was named.  Keep this rose close for sniffing purposes.  Blackspot resistance is an added and appreciated bonus.

w = white
my = medium yellow
yb = yellow blend
ab = apricot blend
ob = orange blend
op = orange pink
lp = light pink
ly = light yellow
mp = medium pink
dp = deep pink
pb = pink blend
dr = dark red
mr = medium red
rb = red blend
m = mauve
mb = mauve blend
R = Repeat Blooming
O = Spring Blooming
Fr = Fragrant
H = Hip Display